Reply To: The namespace `NodeCanvas’ already contains a definition for `ITaskAssignable’

NodeCanvas Forums Support The namespace `NodeCanvas’ already contains a definition for `ITaskAssignable’ Reply To: The namespace `NodeCanvas’ already contains a definition for `ITaskAssignable’


No I didn’t get my old graphs loaded up (not exactly anyways). I just re did all of the nodes and conditions with the scripts that should have been there and got it to where they were (not exactly, I don’t think- still trying to figure it all out haha). Even with all of the nodes replaced I have errors like I mentioned that say “The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!”- and this is with the trees when I already replaced all the nodes and conditions. So apparently it still thinks that these missing scripts are still in there. I think what I am going to do is make a brand new empty tree and just remake all of the behaviors and state machines from a blank slate.

So you suggest just to re-import or to delete the folder and THEN re-import?

As far as sending you a project that may be tough- mine is huge and needs to be cut down a LOT in order to be sent which probably wouldn’t be useful from a diagnostic/problem solving standpoint if we are removing parts of the project.