Reply To: Access properties & fields of Dynamic Vars

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Access properties & fields of Dynamic Vars Reply To: Access properties & fields of Dynamic Vars


Don’t worry about and thanks! 🙂

So, if you are refering to accesing the property with the ‘GetProperty’ script control task, that would be impossible right now, because the ‘GetProperty’ action can’t work with dynamic variables since the option for “(DynamicVar)” does not exist in the variable dropdown selection for when selecting a variable for the target agent (replacing “Self”).
If the above is what you need, I can certainly allow dynamic vars here. I just haven’t done this yet to avoid possible confusions and errors by wrong typed variables.

The only alternative solution right now would be to create a custom task to access that property like for example:

In a future version, I plan on allowing a property of a variable to be selected directly within the dropdown parameter selection. So that if for example you have a BBParameter, you would be able to link it to a bool property of any variable on the blackboard directly 🙂
This feature is comming rather soon.


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