Reply To: Tween related Action Task errors and …

NodeCanvas Forums Support Tween related Action Task errors and … Reply To: Tween related Action Task errors and …


No worries.

1. Indeed that is a bug. I’ve fixed that now. Thanks a lot.

2. Well. If many BT’s send the same event to another same BT, then depending on the order of which the BT are executed, the event maybe already have been used and as such the remaining events don’t have an effect, even though they are send. Let me know of an example case.

3. Are all of those BT’s started at the same frame? I check instantiating 100 BT with a wait action. After some period of time the timers are the same. Can you provide an example?

4. Please provide more info regarding this one 🙂

The cmd+D should work on allready, along iwth most other cmd related shortcuts. Doesn’t in work for you?

Let me know.

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