Reply To: Missing Collider and Dialogue References in FSM

NodeCanvas Forums Support Missing Collider and Dialogue References in FSM Reply To: Missing Collider and Dialogue References in FSM



Thanks. I am glad you like NodeCanvas 🙂
If the FSM is not Bound, but rather an asset file reference, then scene object references won’t persist. This is typical in how Unity works (Assets can’t have scene object references).
There are two ways around this though:

1. You can Bind the FSM to the FSMOwner using the Bind button. Doing this, will make the FSM local and saved with the gameobject and as such possible to have scene object references.

2. You can use Blackboard Variables instead of direct reference assignments. Since Blackboard is a component on the FSMOwner gameobject and not an asset, it CAN have scene object references.

Please let me know if indeed the FSM is an asset reference (no Bound) in your case and if the above works for you.
Thanks again.

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