Are you referring to creating custom UI for the dialogue trees, or some other parts of dialogue trees?
If you are referring to UI, you can create your own UI script for dialogues to be show within, completely replacing the included @DialogueUGUI example.
In practice all that is required is to create a script that will listen to the various static events the DialogueTree class is raising. All these events come with an argument which contains the information needed, like the dialogue text being said, the audio to be played, or the DialogueActor that is speaking. The DialogueActor is a class which also contains a Transform reference, so this can be used to display the text above characters in an adventure game fashion like you are after.
A good start would be to open up the DualogueUGUI.cs script and see how the events are subscribed and put into action, then customize it to your needs probably by duplicating this script and making modification.
I can of course provide more help on some part if you want so. Just let me know.
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