Reply To: Feedback why ConditionTask OnDrawGizmosSelected didn't work

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Feedback why ConditionTask OnDrawGizmosSelected didn't work Reply To: Feedback why ConditionTask OnDrawGizmosSelected didn't work


windouws7 unity5.3.5
I use the built-in task.I also selected the task but didn’t see the gizmos.

using NodeCanvas.Framework;
using ParadoxNotion.Design;
using UnityEngine;

namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Conditions{

[Name(“Target In View Angle”)]
[Description(“Checks whether the target is in the view angle of the agent”)]
public class IsInFront : ConditionTask<Transform> {

public BBParameter<GameObject> checkTarget;
[SliderField(1, 180)]
public BBParameter<float> viewAngle = 70f;

protected override string info{
get {return checkTarget + ” in view angle”;}

protected override bool OnCheck(){
return Vector3.Angle(checkTarget.value.transform.position – agent.position, agent.forward) < viewAngle.value;

public override void OnDrawGizmosSelected(){
if (agent != null){
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(agent.position, agent.rotation,;
Gizmos.DrawFrustum(, viewAngle.value, 5, 0, 1f);