Reply To: Losing BB variables/references after compiling

NodeCanvas Forums Support Losing BB variables/references after compiling Reply To: Losing BB variables/references after compiling


Unfortunately I can’t send you the whole project. I tinkered a little bit this morning and I think that the errors I copy/pasted earlier are unrelated to Node Canvas. This is some kind of weird unity bugs when editor is refreshing (probably this problem but I can’t fix it in my current project).

On the other hand, I started a new blank project, created a bound FSM, then create a mistake in my code and recompile. The FSM window disappeared (“Failed to Load” on the tab title) and the Paradox Notion submenu in the Tools Menu in the Unity menu bar is not available anymore. If I fix the mistake and recompile, I can access the FSM window again and everything is working fine. Is this a normal behavior, or should the FSM window stays open despite compiling with error ?

Again, thanks for your help.