Reply To: StartDialogueTree IDialogueActor requirement

NodeCanvas Forums Support StartDialogueTree IDialogueActor requirement Reply To: StartDialogueTree IDialogueActor requirement



The ‘Start Dialogue Tree’ action is not really meant to be used within another Dialogue Tree for running a nested Dialogue Tree, because there can only be one Dialogue Tree playing at one time. Once a new Dialogue Tree is started, if any other is already playing, that other one is first stopped before the new one starts. That’s how the system currently works.

With that said, I was already working on a “Nested Dialogue Tree” node for Dialogue Tree, able to run dialogue tree assets within other dialogue trees. It needs a bit more work before it’s finished, but I can hurry that up to include it in the next version. Would such a “Nested Dialogue Tree” node work for you?

Let me know.

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