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Oh yeah the code is great.
Make sure nextState = null at the end of the function. nextState has to be undefined in Update.
For the moment i don’t use it, i have to refactoring my code for testing if it is robust.
I also have done a ConditionnedAction :
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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion.Design; using ParadoxNotion.Serialization; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif public class ConditionnedAction : ActionTask { public ConditionList conditionTasks; public ActionList actionTasks; public override void OnValidate(ITaskSystem ownerSystem) { base.OnValidate(ownerSystem); SetOwnerSystem(ownerSystem); if (actionTasks == null) { actionTasks = (ActionList)Task.Create(typeof(ActionList), ownerSystem); actionTasks.executionMode = ActionList.ActionsExecutionMode.ActionsRunInParallel; } if (conditionTasks == null) { conditionTasks = (ConditionList)Task.Create(typeof(ConditionList), ownerSystem); conditionTasks.checkMode = ConditionList.ConditionsCheckMode.AllTrueRequired; } conditionTasks.OnValidate(ownerSystem); actionTasks.OnValidate(ownerSystem); conditionTasks.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); actionTasks.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); foreach (ConditionTask c in conditionTasks.conditions) { c.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } foreach (ActionTask a in actionTasks.actions) { a.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } } public override Task Duplicate(ITaskSystem newOwnerSystem) { var newConditionnedAction = (ConditionnedAction)base.Duplicate(newOwnerSystem); newConditionnedAction.actionTasks = (ActionList)actionTasks.Duplicate(newOwnerSystem); newConditionnedAction.conditionTasks = (ConditionList)conditionTasks.Duplicate(newOwnerSystem); return newConditionnedAction; } protected override void OnExecute() { conditionTasks.Enable(agent, blackboard); if (conditionTasks.CheckCondition(agent, blackboard)) actionTasks.ExecuteAction(agent, blackboard); } protected override void OnUpdate() { if (conditionTasks.CheckCondition(agent, blackboard)) { actionTasks.ExecuteAction(agent, blackboard); } } protected override void OnStop() { actionTasks.EndAction(null); conditionTasks.Disable(); } protected override void OnPause() { actionTasks.PauseAction(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR protected override void OnTaskInspectorGUI() { foreach (ConditionTask c in conditionTasks.conditions) { c.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } foreach (ActionTask a in actionTasks.actions) { a.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } GUILayout.Label("Conditions"); conditionTasks.ShowListGUI(); conditionTasks.ShowNestedConditionsGUI(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.Label("Actions"); actionTasks.ShowListGUI(); actionTasks.ShowNestedActionsGUI(); } public void DoSavePreset() { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Preset", "", "ConditionnedAction", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, JSONSerializer.Serialize(typeof(ConditionnedAction), this, true)); //true for pretyJson AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } #else Debug.LogWarning("Preset saving is not possible with WebPlayer as active platform"); #endif } public void DoLoadPreset() { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER var path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load Preset", "Assets", "ConditionnedAction"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); var list = JSONSerializer.Deserialize<ConditionnedAction>(json); this.actionTasks = list.actionTasks; this.conditionTasks = list.conditionTasks; this.actionTasks.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); this.conditionTasks.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); foreach (var a in this.actionTasks.actions) { a.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } foreach (var c in this.conditionTasks.conditions) { c.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } } #else Debug.LogWarning("Preset loading is not possible with WebPlayer as active platform"); #endif } #endif } |
This was designed to be used with previousState and nextState condition. I will keep you informed if it worked great =) .