Reply To: Severals problems with nestedFSM

NodeCanvas Forums Support Severals problems with nestedFSM Reply To: Severals problems with nestedFSM


hummm.. I thank the same things but. Maybe you did not that because of Unity internal loop Update vs FixedUpdate.

I think you did that because it’s totally not accurate, if a physic update say that you exit the trigger you can also have in past physic frame a TriggerStay and thus the yieldReturn(true) is in fact.. false.

so :

In fact, stay serve to nothing, just yieldReturn(false) in case of TriggerStay and True for TriggerExit. But if you have multiple colliders on the same object… that not work. Because some colliders can exit and others can stay…

So, think you, I will modify my own checkTrigger (based on your code :p ), for the moment I use Overlap so it’s fine ^^.


Other things (did i say that i’m on a infinite loop of improvement on your plug-in ? :p ) : I don’t know why you blocked ConditionList in ConditionList … That permit to do : (ConditionA AND ConditionB) OR (ConditionC AND ConditionD) for example. It’s so practical !

Same things for ActionList in ActionList that permit to have some action in parallel and other in sequence !

Maybe improve the GUI to well display this, but it’s totally fine if you authorize this behaviour. <3