Reply To: Project crash when upgrading from U5.4.3 to U5.5.3

NodeCanvas Forums Support Project crash when upgrading from U5.4.3 to U5.5.3 Reply To: Project crash when upgrading from U5.4.3 to U5.5.3


Haha 🙂 Thanks a lot! I hope you had/have a great summer time as well!
I am glad to hear that you’ve managed to overcome the problem even though it took a bit of manual work. Just to confirm, was I correct to assume that you were using a NodeCanvas version before 2.6.2? Is everything works correctly now after upgrading?

Regarding changing FindAllWithTag to use a BBParameter, it is possible, but you will also need to change the OnExecute code to use ‘searchTag.value’ instead of simply ‘searchTag’. ‘searchTag.value’ will correctly return the string assigned to the BBParameter. Here is the full changed code for you:

I think the same can be said for the GetOverlapSphereObjects. When a BBParameter is used, remember to use it’s ‘.value’ property instead of the BBParameter object itself. Here is the code:

If you want to default the LayerMask parameter to an integer value, you can do this:
public BBParameter<LayerMask> layerMask = new BBParameter<LayerMask>{ value = -1 };

Please let me know if that works for you. 🙂

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