NodeCanvas Forums › Support › Project crash when upgrading from U5.4.3 to U5.5.3 › Reply To: Project crash when upgrading from U5.4.3 to U5.5.3
Haha 🙂 Thanks a lot! I hope you had/have a great summer time as well!
I am glad to hear that you’ve managed to overcome the problem even though it took a bit of manual work. Just to confirm, was I correct to assume that you were using a NodeCanvas version before 2.6.2? Is everything works correctly now after upgrading?
Regarding changing FindAllWithTag to use a BBParameter
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namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions{ [Category("GameObject")] [Description("Action will end in Failure if no objects are found")] public class FindAllWithTag : ActionTask{ [RequiredField] [TagField] public BBParameter<string> searchTag = "Untagged"; [BlackboardOnly] public BBParameter<List<GameObject>> saveAs; protected override string info{ get{return "GetObjects '" + searchTag + "' as " + saveAs;} } protected override void OnExecute(){ saveAs.value = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(searchTag.value).ToList(); EndAction(saveAs.value.Count != 0); } } } |
I think the same can be said for the GetOverlapSphereObjects. When a BBParameter
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namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions{ [Category("Physics")] [Description("Gets a lists of game objects that are in the physics overlap sphere at the position of the agent, excluding the agent")] public class GetOverlapSphereObjects : ActionTask<Transform> { public BBParameter<LayerMask> layerMask; public BBParameter<float> radius = 2; [BlackboardOnly] public BBParameter<List<GameObject>> saveObjectsAs; protected override void OnExecute(){ var hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(agent.position, radius.value, layerMask.value); saveObjectsAs.value = hitColliders.Select(c => c.gameObject).ToList(); saveObjectsAs.value.Remove(agent.gameObject); if (saveObjectsAs.value.Count == 0){ EndAction(false); return; } EndAction(true); } public override void OnDrawGizmosSelected(){ if (agent != null){ Gizmos.color = new Color(1,1,1,0.2f); Gizmos.DrawSphere(agent.position, radius.value); } } } } |
If you want to default the LayerMask parameter to an integer value, you can do this:
public BBParameter<LayerMask> layerMask = new BBParameter<LayerMask>{ value = -1 };
Please let me know if that works for you. 🙂
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