Can you please provide a bit more information as of why the waypoints have an FSM and what is the functionality of that waypoints FSMs?
Generaly speaking, it is possible to get or set variables on blackboards other than the one the graph is using by default. This can be done with the “Get Other Blackboard Variable” or “Set Other Blackboard Variable” actions respectively.
Here is a usage example for your convenience:
– Notice that here, the “Target (Self)” has been overridden to point to the target Blackboard gameobject (in this case “NPC BT”) in which we want to set one of it’s variables.
– Next we need to select the variable type we want to set by pressing the “Select Target Variable Type”. In this case I selected the “Transform” type.
– Finally we set the “Target Variable Name” which we want to set and the “New Value” we want to set it to.
Please let me know if this works for you, or if you need any further clarification.
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