we were using an NC earlier than 2.6.2 when on Unity 5.4.3. I believe it was a 2.6.2 and 5.5.3 when trouble began. It seems that the NC Project Update button did not make its’ appearance until after the install or wasn’t readily accessible. Sorry I can’t be more precise but I was here to witness the event. Recovery was a step-by-step rebuild, project save and write of unitypackages. We are fine at this point, but, nagging question is where is the version stamped for NC or FC?
Thanks for the code advice. FindAllWithTag works exactly we need it – create an accessible variable, assign the value and have the Actions access it as necessary. We’re using it as a means of distinguishing the characters(i.e. the old good guys, bad guys scenario). So, an Instantiation or spawning script would create one or the other and know what tag or layer to identify the opponent.
Not surprisingly, the greater challenge is GetOverlapSphereObjects. That damn drop-down menu seems inescapable. What we would want is the same variable input to the Action as we can now do with FindAllWithTag. Don’t want to create and maintain several Prefabs for every character group.
Once again thanks again.
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