Reply To: Feature Suggestion – debug visualizations

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Feature Suggestion – debug visualizations Reply To: Feature Suggestion – debug visualizations



Thanks for the positive feedback as well as for your suggestions.

At least right now, this is not possible because after each tree traversal, the tree and thus all the nodes are getting reset and as as such they display without any status color information. To support your suggestion, I will need to cache the previous status each node had just before each tree reset, which might be a good idea. In the meanwhile though, I think another solution would be to use Breakpoints in the child nodes of the Filter (or any other node you want for that matter). By default when a Breakpoint is reached, it will also pause the editor for you (this is an option in the “Prefs” drop-down of NC editor).

Visualizing the failed conditions, is also a matter of caching the previous status the condition had, which I will take a look at implementing and see how it comes out. 🙂

Please let me know if breakpoints would work for what you want.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!

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