Reply To: Access the parent node from a task?

NodeCanvas Forums Custom Nodes & Tasks Access the parent node from a task? Reply To: Access the parent node from a task?



Thanks for your input and suggestions!

* Default the color picker to have an alpha of 1 (if possible) for Nodes
The reason why the default alpha value is 0 right now, is because the default(Color) value is one that has alpha = 0. I could change this to 1, but keeping it to 0 as it is right now, saves up serializing/deserializing the color when not required, since serializing default values is skipped. I know though that it can be a bit counter intuitive, thus I will take another look at this possibility.

* Allow conditionals to know the two nodes they’re connecting.
Can you please explain what you mean with this a bit more?

* Give more tools for designers to put “notes” in their canvas.
Hmm. One thing I was considering regarding this, was to make possible to add text within a [Canvas Group], instead of only title. As such, it could be used for creating notes around the canvas as well, instead of only for grouping nodes. What do you think?

* Allow zooming on canvas during playback
Yes, this is indeed something I have to “fix”. 🙂

* Improve performance on canvas when panning around. (I realize this may be a limitation of Unity and not your own work.)
There are already a lot of heavy optimizations made for the editor performance, especially in the last few version 2.6.x+, but -as you said- the editor performance is now starting to get limited by how Unity editor works. I will though do another code review of the editor to see if further nit-picking improvements can be made.

Thanks again for your suggestions!

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