Reply To: How does the attribute of dynamic work

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion How does the attribute of dynamic work Reply To: How does the attribute of dynamic work



About “Dynamic” option of composites, have you read the [Reactive Evaluation] documentation section? It clarifies what the “Dynamic” option does, but if you still have questions about it’s usage, please let me know know.
Regarding, two actions running at the same time, this should not happen, at least not with the setup I see in your screenshot. I tried replicating this, but it works correctly. There used to be a bug a few versions back though. What version of NodeCanvas are you currently using?

Also, judging from the screenshot, it mostly looks that it is a bug in the connection UI somehow, because the action on the left does not have the “clock” icon and neither is highlighted as yellow (which is always more correct than what the connection color show).
Can you please send me a small reproduction project that is showcasing this issue if possible?

Thank you!

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