Reply To: Passing information between Dialogue Tree and Scene

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Passing information between Dialogue Tree and Scene Reply To: Passing information between Dialogue Tree and Scene


Alright, so I solved the Null Reference Exception that was stopping me from moving through the Dialogue Tree at all. Now, what I want to do is after a button is pushed, I have a script that goes through some validations and then when everything clears, I want to call EndAction to move on in the Tree.

I tried making a script that just calls EndAction, but because it has to be ActionTask and not MonoBehaviour, I could not attach it to anything. When I try to call a public method in the script that contains EndAction from a separate script, it gives a Null Reference Exception. If I attach the script containing EndAction to a button, the methods do not show up.

So all of this right now is where I am stuck. I am really sorry this thread has gone on for some time, but I appreciate all the help