Reply To: Status.Resting

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Status.Resting Reply To: Status.Resting


Status.Resting, is the status that the node has when it’s neither of the other 🙂

That means for example, neither Running, nor Success or Failure, and is the status that the node is set to when it “Resets”, which also takes place after a tree traversal.

When a Status.Resting is returned to a parent node, it is treated similar to being “optional”, since once again, it’s neither Success, nor Failure for example. Thus a more correct Status to return when WaitUntil has no child, would actually be “Status.Optional” which was introduced a bit recently (and I omitted to update).

Are you suggesting something like this change in WaitUntil node?

This kind of break the definition of a Decorator node though, which is to decorate the single connected child node that it has 🙂

Let me know.

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