Reply To: Dynamic node execution order

NodeCanvas Forums Support Dynamic node execution order Reply To: Dynamic node execution order


Hello and sorry for the late reply (I was ill).
I am very glad that clarifies things and not complicate them as I would fear my explanation would 🙂
Since ‘OnStop’ callbacks are related to ActionTasks, no you can’t have an OnStop callback on a Composite or Decorator, since none of the Composites or Decorators (at least the stock ones) can’t have an Action Task attached to them (but rather only ConditionTasks).

Having said that, I have gone and experiment with a new Decorator node called “Monitor”. The Monitor Decorator, is monitoring the decorated child for a return status and executes an action if the return status is the one that is being monitored. This can be used for example, to execute an action when something (a branch) completes in the desired status and I think can help in your situation.

I have attached the node for you here to try it out.
Let me know what you think.

Thanks! 🙂

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