Reply To: Feature request : templates with drag and drop. and see node content directly.

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Feature request : templates with drag and drop. and see node content directly. Reply To: Feature request : templates with drag and drop. and see node content directly.



Thanks for your suggestions. Please let me address both of them 🙂

1) Do you mean something like a docked panel with tasks?
This has not really been done, because the search field I think is very easy to reach and use. Just in case you’ve missed it, it can found right under the “Assign Action Task” button 🙂

2) The reason that nodes are “view” only and editing is opted to be done only from within the node inspector panel is twofold:
A) It is to keep the space nodes required in the graph editor, as minimum as possible, thus giving a better overview with more nodes able to be drawn in the given space available.
B) It is to avoid accidentally editing parameters while only trying to move a node around.

Back when designing the UI, I did try adding controls within the nodes, but due to the reasons stated above, I quickly dropped that idea 🙂

Let me know what you think.

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  1. Search.png