Reply To: Improvement Graph Merge

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Improvement Graph Merge Reply To: Improvement Graph Merge



Thanks for your positive feedback on NodeCanvas.
Indeed, merging is a point that has previously been brought up by other people as well, and can be a problem exactly for the reasons you mention here, that is because the graph is serialized into a json string “within” a Unity Object (YAML).

Your solution of having a linked TextAsset (with the json) is indeed something I have considered doing, but the only thing that kept me from actually doing it, was that it might be considered “complicated” for some people. Having said that though, I still consider it as a solution only if I manage to make it “optional”. Remember though, that Unity Object references of course, will still need to be serialized within the Unity Object, since the json string only holds a list index to their reference.

Regarding Graph position/zoom, in the next version, I plan to make the Graph position/zoom only be serialized when there is at least some other change as well instead of always be serialized like it is now. This will of course avoid marking the file as “changed” when someone in the team opens up a graph only to view it rather than change it, but moving any node around will still mark it as changed though.

Let me know what you think.

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