Reply To: Seek question for RTS game

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Seek question for RTS game Reply To: Seek question for RTS game


Nor familiar with the seek method you’re using, but I think the common RTSA approach is twofold:

For group movement, manage requests for paths as a group, and apply a formation pattern, so each unit gets a unique destination.
The second part is local avoidance, or dynamic obstacles, etc. where if a unit encounters a block at its destination it makes a best effort to stop as close as possible. You need this system anyway, for when opposing forces fight for the same location.

I believe Apex Path and its extension Apex Steer can handle most of this for you, and ApexPath has some integration into NC as well (and is also easy to extend, I am using AP with NC). There’s probably other assets which do some of this as well.