Reply To: NodeCanvas editor possible to work with Odin Inspector or default Unity attribs?

NodeCanvas Forums Support NodeCanvas editor possible to work with Odin Inspector or default Unity attribs? Reply To: NodeCanvas editor possible to work with Odin Inspector or default Unity attribs?



Right now, because NodeCanvas uses a completely different serialization system than Unity’s (for good reasons), it is really impossible to directly support Unity’s attributes since they only work along with a SerializedProperty (a concept that does not exist in NodeCanvas serialization).

This is why, NodeCanvas has it’s own way of creating custom object/property drawers, and which is quite similar to how creating Unity object/property drawers work. Please take a look at this [DOCUMENTATION LINK]

Having said that, there are plans to hopefully move from FullSerializer (current serialization system) to Odin Serializer in the future and when that is done, probably, Odin’s attributes will work out of the box ( but can’t tell for sure yet).

Once again, please take a look at how NodeCanvas custom object/attributes are created, since it’s very similar to Unity’s and quite easy to make 🙂


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