Reply To: SendEvent in subtree

NodeCanvas Forums Support SendEvent in subtree Reply To: SendEvent in subtree


So far the workaround has been working fine, so for now I’m in no hurry for the fix. Thanks for confirming the bug.

I’ve run into a few other minor issues that I’ll mention here too in case you aren’t aware. They aren’t significant enough to stop me from using it, but they are a bit annoying.

  • I have issues saving the name of dynamic vars. Often when I type in the name in the text field, leave the node, then come back to the node I’ll find the input is blank. It seems if I tab out of the input field then ctrl+s before deselecting the node it saves fine, but I haven’t done enough testing to confirm.
  • I’ve run into an issue where a dynamic var value suddenly becomes null. It’ll be set in one node, and show fine in the variable inspector when debugging with a breakpoint after said node, but a following task that simply Debug.Logs the value would show the value as null without anything being done to modify the value. I had this happen when I changed a BT that was previously assigning that dynamic var directly to one that assigned the value within an iteration on a list. I’m not sure if that change was related or not. I gave up after a while and just switched over to predefined variables which seem to be working fine. If I run into it again I can post more information if you’d like.
  • I’ve had the ordering of child nodes of a composite node unexpectedly change when moving nodes around. I think this is intended behaviour when you swap the positions of child nodes (to reflect their order on the canvas), but the positions it changed to didn’t always reflect the node order (e.g. I’d drag my leftmost child node further left slightly, and suddenly it’d be connected in index 1 instead of index 0). This seems to occur more frequently if there is little vertical space between the children and parent on the canvas, and I’ve gotten used to laying things out more vertically to avoid it, but it bit me a few times in my first few hours using nodeCanvas.

Btw, I’m loving nodeCanvas. I’ve only been using it for a few days and already I can’t imagine working on another project without it.