Reply To: NodeCanvas causes problems with incremental compiler

NodeCanvas Forums Support NodeCanvas causes problems with incremental compiler Reply To: NodeCanvas causes problems with incremental compiler


Hi Geoff,
Your Error has nothing to do with nodecanvas. I read all threads about the new compiler.
This Unet-Weaver Error is a Bug which has to do with one of unitys-dlls for the Unet-syncing.stuff, when utilizing the incremental compiler.
If you are working on a multiplayer game depending on that, than you should switch back to the standard compiler.
As the developers got more unresponsive in the last time, in the unity thread someone came up with a solution ( more of a hack ), which works.
I did it for me, and it works just fine. He wrote a step by step guide for this .
. Have a look at post #76 there.
Also you may want to read a bit more through that thread, but if you just want a solution and start using the compiler , then all you need to do is follow that instructions.

Hope this is helpful for you and anybody else interested.