Reply To: Dynamic selectors/sequencers do not reset re-evaluated connections

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Dynamic selectors/sequencers do not reset re-evaluated connections Reply To: Dynamic selectors/sequencers do not reset re-evaluated connections


Here is another example to illustrate my point. The two trees shown in the attached image act identically. Both trees rotate the spheres and allow the user to click the first sphere, then wait, then click the second sphere to turn on a light. I hope you’ll agree that the left part of the dynamic selector version makes no sense. That tree will never work on its own. But because the dynamic selector does not reset the left connection, the conditional nodes start acting as wait until-nodes.

I must conclude that the dynamic selector (and also dynamic sequencer) is broken as it alters the execution and therefore the meaning of subtrees. On top of that, the way it changes meaning is really unpredictable as it depends on what kind of state remains inside each of the nodes after they finish (returning Failure, Success, Optional etc).

  1. dynamic_selector_example.png

  1. NodeCanvasIssue_Example2.unitypackage