Reply To: Dynamic selectors/sequencers do not reset re-evaluated connections

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Dynamic selectors/sequencers do not reset re-evaluated connections Reply To: Dynamic selectors/sequencers do not reset re-evaluated connections


Hi Gavalakis,

I had a bit of time to investigate. Fortunately it seems I was incorrect in some of my assumptions on how the step sequencer works. It looks like things work as they should.

I tried writing down a bit of info/some rules on what we’ve discussed here. Do you think this, or something similar can be included in the documentation?
“If a node returns a non-Running status from its OnExecute, the node is considered to have finished and it will get a call to OnReset before the next call to OnExecute. It is the responsibility of each node to ensure this rule also applies to their outConnections (if they have any). However, because a reset is executed recursively, simple nodes do not need to reset their outConnections manually and can instead rely on the fact that all outConnections will be reset when that node itself is reset.” (perhaps extend with some examples)
