Sorry for the late reply in this thread.
It is a bit confusing as of what exactly the problem is, or what I can do to replicate what you have encountered.
I don’t see any reason why “boundGraphSerialization” being “modified”, will result in any issues, unless you actually want the prefab instance to be 1:1 with the prefab asset, in which case you can of course always “revert” the prefab instance.
Regarding the error, I was able to identify and fix this (thanks to another post in the forums).
To fix this, please open up ‘fsUnityObjectConverter’ and in ‘TryDeserialize’ method, ‘replace line of code: if ( reference == null || storageType.RTIsAssignableFrom(reference.GetType()) ) {
with this: if ( ReferenceEquals(reference, null) || storageType.RTIsAssignableFrom(reference.GetType()) ) {
Please let me know.
Thank you.
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