Hello and very sorry for the late reply due to Eastern!
Thanks for the information. If the game state is stored in some static variable (field or property), then I would suggest creating local dialogue tree variables and binding those variables to those properties respectively. Binding variables, is a very poweful feature that lets you communicate data between any graph and you own code.
So for example, you could have a static property stored in one of your own code somewhere like “IsTutorialDone”. Then you can create a dialogue tree blackboard boolean variable and bind that variable to that specific static property.
Here is the relevant documentation for data binding variables and for your convenience. [LINK].
Also please remember, that in order for your own class to appear in the menus, you will need to first add that class in the Preferred Types Editor.
Another solution if for some reason data bound variables is not adequate, would be to use Global Scene Blackboards (Tools/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Create/Global Scene Blackboard). Global Scene Blackboard variables, can be seen by any graph, but I do believe that data binding variables is more powerfull since they can directly communicate with your own code.
Please let me know if that works for you.
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