Reply To: Performance : load a BT and its subtrees

NodeCanvas Forums Support Performance : load a BT and its subtrees Reply To: Performance : load a BT and its subtrees


Hello and sorry for the late reply due to Eastern!

Indeed. That is because the “currentInstance” field (in SubTree.cs), is only set in the SubTree.OnExecute method rather than in it’s CheckInstance method. A temporary (and rather dirty fix) for this would be to:

– Open SubTree.cs and right before the return instance; at the end of the before, also set currentInstance = instance;.
– Keep your changes in GraphOwner.Initialize thus invoking CheckInstance() as you already do.

Having said that, I do plan to of course properly implement pre-initialization for the next version, that will be done with an option in the GraphOwner inspector by the way, so the above solution is only temporary one :).

Please let me know if that works for you.


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