Reply To: the Dynamic feature with Event trigger

NodeCanvas Forums Support the Dynamic feature with Event trigger Reply To: the Dynamic feature with Event trigger


hi, Gavalakis

thanks for the reply,I think I used the button down checking, so however I keep pressing or release, the event only can be checked once , but it triggered the dynamic system 2 times.  Using button check condition is just to test the dynamic abort function simply, the final purpose is that I am going to use event receive task to trigger a sequence actions ,I guess it will work same as the button-check, which means at the second frame the event receive state will change back to false and trigger the abort again.

I have a rough idea to write my own event receive task and convert it to a boolean check task inside, so the Dynamic function only can be triggered when the boolean value changed by the event, and it will not change the state at the second frame when the event state becomes false again.  it is similar to you suggested me to use pressing down check task to replace the button down task 🙂

Before I start to implement that way, do you have anyother suggestions? I saw some people use parallel node to run the event-check conditional task as a parallel child, which looks like a Polling method. I don’t know how is the performance, but it makes the tree more complex.  if the BT Dynamic system has an option that only monitors the returned value as True or has a better event -check a task that only trigger once , then everything looks cleaner and easier to be understood.

