You can’t really select a “NodeCanvas” variable in the “PlayMaker” variable dropdown, since these are different systems. What you can do though, is to sync the variables, that have the same name and type. As such, you need to create a variable in Playmaker as well, with the same name (myBoolean) and the same type (boolean). Once that is done, you then need to enable the “Sync Variables” option in the “Start Playmaker FSM” Action Task in NodeCanvas. Here is an excerpt from the relevant documentation and for your conveniecen regarding “Sync Variables”:
“If the option to Sync Variables is checked, then the value of all common variables (name + type) between the Behaviour Tree blackboard and playMaker FSM, will be copied over to the playmaker FSM on execution, which then will be possible to change and modified by playMaker and then copied back to the Behaviour Tree blackboard.”
Syncing, takes place when the “Start Playmaker FSM” action, executes the Playmaker FSM (at the start), as well as at the end, when that FSM is stoped and control is returned back to NodeCanvas.
Please let me know if that clarifies the usage.
Thank you.
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