Reply To: Versioning

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Versioning Reply To: Versioning


My main fear when working with visual code editors is that renaming/changing type in code would make serialized visual data outdated or even incorrect/broken.

So it’s two problems:
To be correct data needs to be reloaded into new types somehow.
To be up-to-date, after each code change, serialized data needs to be reserialized.

Both operations are slow and are better when done during editor time to keep runtime performance high.

Versioning is one of the solutions to this problem, with bonus of precise data conversion. It’s first time I’ve seen it and thought it was clever. It makes data correct but doesn’t bother with reserialization.

Tools and guide to deal with safe refactoring would be nice to have.
For now I’ve limited myself to using non-bound graphs and manually reserializing them through script after code changes.