Reply To: DialogueTree SetActorReference not working reliable

NodeCanvas Forums Support DialogueTree SetActorReference not working reliable Reply To: DialogueTree SetActorReference not working reliable


Thanks for the answer,

the thing is, that when you alter the original behaviour asset right before you start it, one expects it to have the changes in the new instance. But it is not. If thats intended behaviour that I should not be allowed to set the actor reference on the asset through code, only on the instance. Or it should prompt a warning at least.

I think it’s pretty weird that it was deserialized from a previous, outdated state.

Not sure about the callback idea, I think that’s even more non-intuitive, but thats propably just because I come from a c++ background. 😉

I missed at that point a way to start the DialogueTree AND pass the actor referecens at the same time.
Something like:
DialogueTreeController.StartDialogue(DialogueTree tree, IDialogueActor instigator, ("actorRef1", actorRef1), ("actorRef2", actorRef2), ..)