Reply To: [BUG] Global blackboard variable names with slashes are not behaving as expected

NodeCanvas Forums Support [BUG] Global blackboard variable names with slashes are not behaving as expected Reply To: [BUG] Global blackboard variable names with slashes are not behaving as expected


We actually had this “bug” discovered already 2 years ago but I haven’t come around to reporting it until having to port all our little fixes/adjustments we did to NC over time to the newest NC version. Using slashes was very important for our game designers to reduce clutter in pop-up menus where you have to select a specific BB variable because we did put lots of categorized information into large global blackboards. We haven’t used it in instance blackboards so that’s probably why we got away with it. As you have explained it now, I see how this was actually unintended behaviour, but for us a very nice feature. For me, using a different separator for the blackboard/variable name separation sounds good, the automatic context-menu grouping that comes from using forward slashes is really helpful.