Reply To: [Bug] The "Clear List" ActionTask can cause Blackboard problems…

NodeCanvas Forums Support [Bug] The "Clear List" ActionTask can cause Blackboard problems… Reply To: [Bug] The "Clear List" ActionTask can cause Blackboard problems…


Hello there,

Indeed, this is what will happen. The problem however here, is that there is no way for the “Promote Variables To Blackboard” functionality to know what type of variable is required in the end 🙁 .
The way the “Promote Variables To Blackboard” basically works is that it scans through all BBParameters in the graph in order.
As soon as a BBParameter with a name is encountered, a Variable with that name and with the type of that BBParameter is created in the blackboard.
If at a later time a BBParameter with the same name is encountered, it is basically skipped and does not alter the relevant Variable type.
It does not matter if it did or not however since the order the BBParameters are enounter is what matters most here.

I can’t really think of any way to “know” what the correct variable type to create should be based on how these are used in the graph BBParameters in relation to one another. I will take another look to see if I can come up with something, but if you have any ideas, by all means please let me know!

Thank you!

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