Reply To: Can't Create Flow Script State

NodeCanvas Forums Support Can't Create Flow Script State Reply To: Can't Create Flow Script State


I downloaded them with the browser and manually opened them using Assets/Import Package/Custom Package. I just re-downloaded both files and the forum version and the version from the downloads differ in size and checksum:

➜  Downloads ls -la *Flow*
-rw-r–r–@ 1 j.thomae  staff  4073 Sep  9 10:38 DOWNLOADS_FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage
-rw-r–r–@ 1 j.thomae  staff  4050 Sep  9 10:39 FORUM_FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage
➜  Downloads md5 DOWNLOADS_FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage
MD5 (DOWNLOADS_FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage) = 2ddbc17bc362f2704848e1f678073fad
➜  Downloads MD5 FORUM_FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage
MD5 (FORUM_FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage) = d4867241b959165c8a0ec43d8e02e95a

Funny enough both of them now seem to import properly. However I just downloaded them on the Mac while at the weekend i was working on Windows. Maybe the download function sometimes messes with the packages.