Reply To: Problem in one FSM causing the entire game to be down

NodeCanvas Forums Support Problem in one FSM causing the entire game to be down Reply To: Problem in one FSM causing the entire game to be down


Yes it was one answer to the problem.
It’s just, Unity doesn’t work like this, so why Nodecanvas doesn’t follow the same behaviour as Unity ^^.

But for performance reason, debugging purpose, it’s clearly better to have a totally broken games when something goes wrong. But at contrary, it’s very frustating when a enemy broke your Pause menu (for a null ref which will not cause so much trouble), and the player can’t restart the level because all things are broken for a single error.

It’s just : we can’t protect specific “group” from other errors. And that’s a very frustating point when you want to release the game and hey ho the entire game can’t work because the UI miss something and it’s was not blocking at all, but with NodeCanvas yes it is.

Maybe a way to isolate some “group” of Graph like : Enemy / MainCharacter / UI with a Try{}Catch will be okay in term of performance and error detection. Each graph with a specified group will be isolated and Updated together.