Reply To: [Changes] Update Mode Design

NodeCanvas Forums Support [Changes] Update Mode Design Reply To: [Changes] Update Mode Design



Yeah we make a platformer. And some state touch to velocity or are movement based. But more generally, a paltformer is sort of “time integral” of a game. And so we have to be sure the game run on the same way for different render framerate.

For example, I don’t want my AI to wait for 0.5s on a platform and 0.5 + (delta render frame) on the other. So I decided to run most of the game in FixedUpdate.

Hmm not sure it’s good for graph to auto populate MonoBehaviour. A Graph is just a graph, it’s data structure, what run the graph is up to them (GraphOwner or specific scripts). I know it can impact some projects, but also think it’s not a very good design, you have to keep data structure away from Unity runtime.

And there is still the problem in Dialog node. ^^