Reply To: Check Condition & Yield Return

NodeCanvas Forums Support Check Condition & Yield Return Reply To: Check Condition & Yield Return



On the same topic, It seems this condition really has a problem. Look provided screen (fig1), If you make a Subgraph starting like this, with a Dynamic selector (fig2) on top of it, you are obligated to put Reset because however, the graph is just in failed state, and will never check condition again.

But putting a reset decorator, just call the OnDisable of the CheckEvent condition. Making the frame look like -> OnEnable CheckEvent -> Reset Graph -> OnDisable CheckEvent. Thus adding / removing the callback to the router in less than 1 frame. So sending event is not received for this condition.

In our game we have what we call a “FrameDataBuffer”, it’s a buffer available for the next tick(and 1 tick is 1 graph update in our game). I think you have to manage to do the same things for the CheckEvent condition. Making an internal graph buffer where some data are available between 2 updates. And kill all the workaround with yield return and things like that ^^.


  1. CheckEventBug.png

  2. selector.png