Thank you for your positive feedback as well as all your suggestions! 🙂
1. Would making it cache and consume a flag instead of using YieldReturn (as we’ve previously discussed) would work for you? I was thinking of doing this as an option for all conditions that utilize YieldReturn.
2. Adding anchor points on connections is something already in the TODO list 🙂
3. Can you please share a bit more information regarding this issue here?
4. In v3 there is the option to load graphs Async on a separate thread. This can work as an alternative solution to pooling, but of course not always possible or the same. Have you used the Async option (found on GraphOwner inspectors) as of yet?
5. Also in v3 :), there is the option to update graphs (GraphOwners) manually. With this option (GraphOwner inspector -> Update Mode -> Manual), the MonoManager is not used or required. Have you seen or used this option?
6. Yep, Async load of SubGraphs (instead of only root graphs) is in the roadmap.
7. This has been requested more than once in the past so maybe it is something people need after all.
8. Action OnExecute is indeed called before OnUpdate and on the same frame. Can you please clarify what is the issue you faced with this? 🙂
9. I agree.
10. But why is that a problem considering that NC is a Unity asset and I don’t foresee the ability to use it outside of Unity.
11. Yes, more refactoring options (both as the new editor refactoring tool as well as with attributes is on the way (hopefully for the next version too).
12. Do you mean an FSM node that calls a list of actions when the FSM stops (or exits)? Regarding Parallel node in BT, do you mean a Parallel Sub-Graph BT node? In BTs there is also the Parallel Composite node, which can potentially be used to run children in parallel (be them anything, even Sub-BTs, or Sub-FSMs).
13. Thank you once again for your feedback and suggestions above!
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