You are not really doing anything wrong. This specific log is still being logged because technically it is a blackboard related log. Basically, disabling the option “Log Varibles Info” is looking at the “tag” of the log and filters out all logs with the “VARIABLE” tag. On the other hand this specific log has the “BLACKBOARD” tag because it comes from the blackboard code. If you want to quickly disable all “BLACKBOARD” logs as well, you can simply open up GraphConsole.cs file and in the OnLogMessageReceived method, please add these lines of code above or bellow the other similar lines found there for “EVENT” and “VARIABLE”
I will see into adding an option for Blackboard tagged logs as well in the next version if this is something that is bothering you 🙂
Let me know if that works for you.
(PS: BBParameter is an abstract class. How are you instantiating one? Or was this only for the shake of example? 🙂 )
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