I’m in an awkward position because I do really believe in the value of a visual layout of the flow of a program because it allows you to see how spaghetti your code is, understand what is happening at a glance, and also visually see what went wrong with your logic very quickly … but it is difficult to convince a team of programmers as typing what you want to happen is usually less work and more resilient to change.
A big pinch point for us has been refactoring. So in the case of a FSM when you have a repeated connection flow that needs a change you typically need to manually change each use of it. By “template connection” I meant having something like referenced action list that is stored as an asset. Similar to how you can nest graphs etc. That seems like a lot of work.
Perhaps being able to copy+paste entire action lists instead of singular actions would help?
I also started to look into adding “Replace Action” functionality but aborted due to time constraints on the project.
Below are those ideas in a rough visual
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