The reason that the editor for LocalizedString (etc) are not shown, is because NodeCanvas is not using Unity serialization but rather a custom one and because of that, native Unity ObjectDrawer and PropertyDrawer are not shown as well. This is because Unity Object and Property Drawer go hand in hand with the Unity serialization system.
With that said however NodeCanvas has its own way of creating Object and Property Drawers, so you could create a custom NodeCanvas ObjectDrawer for the LocalizedString class. I do understand that this might seem redundant, but unfortunately it is the only way due to how Unity Object and Property Drawer only work with Unity SerializedObject and its serialization system.
If you need any help in creating an ObjectDrawer for LocalizedString please let me know. I also plan to have native support for Unity Localization package once it becomes more final and out of preview as well.
Let me know.
Thank you!
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