Reply To: How to get unscaled ElapsedTime from Tasks/OwnerSystem?

NodeCanvas Forums Support How to get unscaled ElapsedTime from Tasks/OwnerSystem? Reply To: How to get unscaled ElapsedTime from Tasks/OwnerSystem?


Hello there,

The elapsedTime property in action tasks simply returns how long the action is running/active in seconds. Similarly, the elapsedTime of OwnerSystem (the graph) returns the same, how long is the graph running/active. With that said, if you want to make use of Unity Time.unscaledTime or Time.unscaledDeltaTime, you can directly use those in your action task.

Or would you rather have an option to make the whole graph be updated using “unscaledDeltaTime” instead of “deltaTime” for elapsed time?

Let me know.

Thank you!

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