Reply To: Assigning button text

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Assigning button text Reply To: Assigning button text


Ok, I got a little further, I found the “If Button xxx Clicked” trigger, but it doesn’t seem to fire??

This is the basic Unity VR template, and I copied the UI and hooked up the button one to an If Button Button_choice_one, but it never fires.

Or maybe it’s because I’m using the mouse in play mode instead of my hand in VR mode?

Sorry for the clueless questions …

I’d still have the question of how I assign the text to the button. PlayMaker seems to let you ‘drill into’ an object’s components and assign values, but I may be misinterpreting from their videos.

I’d just assign a program file, assign some public variables, and then do a simple assign statement in the c# I think, but I’m trying really hard to make it easy for my friends with no C# code.

  1. VR_Example.png