Reply To: FSM SendEvent(string) stopped working.

NodeCanvas Forums Support FSM SendEvent(string) stopped working. Reply To: FSM SendEvent(string) stopped working.


Before the upgrade, this project was in Unity 2020.3.48f1 and NodeCanvas v2.92. I didn’t make any changes other than upgrading and removing some unrelated packages.

>> Are you certain that the “Check Event” conditions are active at the time the event is sent please?

Maybe not. Before the upgrade the check mark (see the screens) was green. Now it’s dark gray.



I’m not seeing any errors or warnings.

>> Are both Send and Check Events the “string” version, meaning “Send Event (string)” and “Check Event (string)”?
Yes. All the code is the same as before.

  1. 3.29

  2. NodeCanvas-3.29-1.gif

  3. NodeCanvas-3.29-2.gif

  4. 2.92