Reply To: Running an FSM "instantly"

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Running an FSM "instantly" Reply To: Running an FSM "instantly"



Sorry for the late reply. I was mostly away in weekend.
Yes. They are not executed in one frame. I didn’t realize this is what you were asking :). It will required a lot of tweeks to make that happen, but I don’t think that would be an issue for what you are after.

One thing that might help you, would be to start the FSM with the overload that takes a System.Action parameter, so that you get a callback when the FSM is finished after x frames and then use your timeline created in the FSM, which will be “ready” when the callback is called.

Let me know if that helps.

(PS: Regarding first 2 states execution, it seems weird to be on the same frame. I will take a look at this)

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