In my FSM if I transition on event from “FROM ANY STATE” to the final node with a ForceFinish action I get a null ref exception in graph update.
If I add an empty Action state in-between then the graph will finish OK.
Hmm. I tried replicating this issue but couldn’t. What kind of condition are you using in that AnyState?
Also what version of NodeCanvas does this happen?
Just a simple event from the AnyState. Note: I do Destroy the FSM owning object last thing in the finish callback.
Doesn’t appear to be any version info in the readme. I downloaded it about a month ago – think it’s v2.6.3
Destroying the FSMOwner was indeed throwing a null reference exception, but that has been fixed in latest v2.6.4 currently available.
Your current version number can be seen on the bottom right corner of the Graph Editor by the way.
Please update to latest version 2.6.4 and let me know if the problem persists.