Apex Utility AI

NodeCanvas Forums Custom Nodes & Tasks Apex Utility AI

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    Hi, are there any plans to integrate Apex Utility AI? Thanx!



    There were not any plans for it, but if there is demand I can take a look at this.
    I would like to hear what kind of integration you are after (?)


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    Thanks for your reply. Currently I’m using Apex Utility AI as a kind of decision/selector node (faked with bools) within a behaviour tree. The context of the AI is the Blackboard. I only know a little of all the features of apex utility ai, but perhaps there are other use-cases where a combination of both would be helpful.




    If you can already use Apex Utility to write values on the blackboard then I think what you are doing is a good start 🙂
    I think the best candidate node for Utility AI, would be the “Priority Selector” in NodeCanvas.
    The Priority Selector, will basically select a child based on it’s priority, which is essentially a float number which can be read from the blackboard.
    So, you could use Apex Utility to write the different decision priorities on the blackboard and then in turn use “Priority Selector” to actually select a branch.


    Let me know what you think, or if you have any specific node in mind that will make this easier for you working with Apex Utility.
    Thanks 🙂

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    Thank you very much for your quick response. Your suggestion sounds very good.
    In my use case the node could work as follows:
    -> Enter node
    -> Execute one frame of the utility AI decision component <- Blackboard is content
    -> The selected apex action(s) does/do something and/or store(s) one or more results to the Blackboard
    -> Wait for all AI decisions/actions to be finished
    -> A final (prio-) selection value will be written to the Blackboard
    -> Node is left
    -> The selected state/subtree is executed

    I’m quite certain that there are (many) more use cases around, also cause I’m currently only scratching the surface of the Apex Utility AI.



    Hello again,
    You are very welcome and thanks for the extra information about how you’d like to see it working. Makes sense 🙂
    I will contact Apex Utility AI devs and hopefully we will be able to have something good up and running!

    Thanks again.

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    I would also be interested in the best methods on integrating with Utility AI. I own it and looking forward to utilizing it. Did you discussion with Apex go positively?



    Unfortunately, after trying Utility AI a bit, I wasn’t able to come up with a suitable integration between the two software, other than what can be achieved with a bit of scripting per use case, since both of the software are really meant for creating and handling AI or logic in the first place 🙂
    Can you please share your view on how would you like to see NodeCanvas and Utility AI be integrated?


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    Could the priority selector get utility values from child nodes instead of links? It would make it much much easier to use.

    In Behavior designer every node has a GetUtility override that adds children utility, so it’s deeply embeded, allowing fancy (and much easier) utility implementation such infinity axis. Their is incomplete in that it doesn’t have a GetMaxUtilityScore which would allow to normalize but their structure makes it super easy to mix utility with BT.

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